Book Review Request

Thank you for your interest in reviewing the book, Climb Like A Mzungu. Please enter your information in the sign-up form. Read the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) below for more details about the review requirements and process. Thank you!

Yes!, you’ll receive a review copy, which has a notice that the book is an review copy.

To submit your application, please fill out the form below.

Acceptance for a review is not based on the content of the review, only on the willingness to review and the ability to leave a review on an Amazon website.

Ideally, you’d be able to post your review on release day, about a week after you receive the review copy. If you can’t make release day, within the first few days is wonderful.

The system for distributing review copies is designed to make the process easier for everyone.

First, reading the two chapter sample would be great.

If you are interested, please fill out the form to request the book, with the understanding that you’re stating your intention to post your honest review within the time frame specified on the form – usually a few weeks.